Personal Projects

Below are some of the personal coding projects I've been working on!
They mainly involve data visualization or data storytelling and look best on a Laptop/Desktop.

If you're interested in the research, publications, and group projects I've been involved in, click here.

Spotify Analysis


A data analysis of my Spotify music collection: artist variety, genre distribution, song lengths, and more.
Made with Python, HTML, CSS.

Earth-orbiting Satellites


An interactive visualization mapping Earth's orbiting satellites by position and launch date, with extra info about space debris.
Made with Python, D3.js, HTML, CSS.

US States Over Time


A data visualization to see the US states that I've visited over time.
Made with D3.js, HTML, CSS.

Countries Over Time


A data visualization to show a map of where I've traveled.
Made with D3.js, HTML, CSS.

Copyright © Alex Lascelles. Last Updated Jan 2025.